Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Yes like that was the first meeting. There were like 40 students there, the meeting was just to welcome the students and the new semester. There was a skit so fun, where bryon and emily played like Merida´s people, Amber and Sam like Maracuchos(my town) and me and Angie played like Americans!!!lol.I don´t know how we had too much fun that day.
Some of the people we had shared the gospel that week were there. We also knew a boy called Gabriel, I couldn´t talk to him but he had a special smile of happiness in his face,he studies and he works in a circus too, so at the end of the meeting he showed us a little of his juggling, I was a four year old child, I gave to him a cookie that I had in my purse, I couldn´t close my mouth.
when we came back home( the team)we were thinking about circus, we though Christian life is like a circus,we have to trust God through life as we were walking on a rope or if we are perfoming something in a hight place, but we are not trusting ourselves!!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A beautiful week!!!!!
Last week it has been a very beautilful week, we start sharing our faith in Campus, God made amazing things we have 15 prayers and a few of them are interested in follow up, some of them are afraid of follow up but still praying for them.
Also this week we start meeting with the students leaders of the movement to plan some activities, we divided some responsabilities and we are working together on that, the goal is to challenge them to do, to use their gifths,to love the ministry and the most important to trush GOD.
I´m in charge of our montly outreach with José Javier (aka JJ), I´m so excited about this I really love to do this!!! and JJ is more excited than me, he has been wondering wich places in his campus are available on october 25th. Our plan for that day is to show a short video about GOD´s love and information about Vida Estudiantil, also involve a lot some friends on that.

The big new is that today October the 4th is our first weekly meeting!!!!! I´ll tell you what happenned!!!
Please pray for:
  • God guide us all way!!!!!!
  • The students that made a decission could have a follow up.
  • For wisdom in ours plans.
  • That our weekly meeting can be a way to grow for the students.
  • For the first outreach this octobre 25th in Ciencias or Arquitectura.
  • My finances

Thanks for praying