Leader retreat

On January 11-12 we had our leader retreat in Merida. We had all our leaders from Maracaibo, San Cristobal, Merida and Santa Barbara, our goal was to share some time together, train them but also have fun.
We had some staff encouraging the leaders and teaching them about our philosophy of ministry based on John:15, passage that encourage us to remain in him, to love each other and to witness his love.
We also talked about team work, which I really learned from, Yanina Cubillan taught us about

Exodus 18, she reminded us that within a team we need to have our task clear for the whole team, a common purpose and motivation, but also we need to listen to advises as Moses did when Jethro tried to help him, being humble is something important within a team, nobody is ready in the task if somebody of the team have not finished yet and of course the main advice, a good communication.

We did not always studied , we also practice what we learn so we dis some exercises to make sure we understood everything really well ( of course we had fun!!)
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